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Friday, 12 December 2014

We Finally Know ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Character Names.

Remember nearly a year ago when we first learned that Adam Driver had been cast in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens“? Of course, back in that dark February, we didn’t even know that the movie was called “The Force Awakens,” and we didn’t know anyone else who would be in the movie.
Today, J.J. Abrams handed us a few more pieces to the puzzle that the waiting period for the latest installment of the space epic has become. And, hey, it’s really cute!
Kylo-RenEntertainment Weekly
Several character names were unveiled via recreations of vintage Topps trading cards shared with Entertainment Weekly. And — get ready to laugh — we still don’t know Driver’s character’s name for certain, and we don’t even know what certain folks, like Domhnall Gleeson, have to do in the movie. Suddenly, December 18, 2015 seems like a
galaxy date far, FAR away.
Here’s who’s who, according to the trading cards.
-Oscar Isaac is Poe Dameron
-Daisy Ridley is Rey
-Adam Driver (we think) is Kylo Ren
-John Boyega is Finn
-The Millennium Falcon appears as itself
-That cute lil droid is named BB-8. D’awwww.

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